How It Works



We will send you a proposal detailing how much we estimate your property will earn as a short term rental.

Schedule a call

we’ll schedule a call to discuss your property's needs and goals. This also allows us to address any concerns or questions you may have about short-term rentals or how our services work.


We will sign a property management agreement outlining the details of our partnership.


Property Inspection

During the initial property inspection, we will analyze the property's unique needs and provide recommendations regarding things that may help the properties performance, and other guest amenities that may be required.

Staging and Photography

Host House will help you stock your home with all the necessities before we host our first guest. Once all required items have been purchased, and the property is professionally cleaned and staged, we will take professional photos to begin marketing your property.

Listing Development

We'll put together a strategy to create an eye-catching listing on multiple platforms, including Airbnb and VRBO.

Go Live

Pricing Strategy

Host House utilizes smart pricing automation to make certain your property is priced according to demand. This means ensuring you make the big bucks when demand is high!

House Manual

We will gather all essential information for your guests and create a house manual tailored to your property, ensuring guests have a comfortable stay in your home.

Sit back and relax

Host House will handle 24/7 guest communication, a seamless check in/check out process, and professional cleaning after every stay.

Lets Get Started